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Depp Root Planing

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Depp Root Planing Empty Depp Root Planing

Post by Supra Chan Wed Sep 29, 2010 4:17 pm

Deep Root Planing
Depp Root Planing Planing%20%20pict
Root planing involves smoothing the root surfaces of your teeth with thin curettes so gum tissue can more firmly reattach to roots that are clean and smooth to prevent tooth loss and sensitivity problems. The procedure makes it more difficult for plaque to accumulate along the root surfaces.
Depp Root Planing MV114014 Depp Root Planing MV114109 Because this procedure goes deeper than a Simple Scale and Polish, your mouth may be numbed. The cleaning may take two visits to complete. Depending on the extent of the disease you may need one or more sections (quadrants) of the mouth to be treated with scaling and root planing. Treatment may require more than one visit.
Treatment is carried out with our ultrasonic hand pieces as well as other instruments that both scales and medicates your gum tissue.
Treatment controls the growth of harmful bacteria. (Bacteria ABOVE the gum line is less aggressive bacteria whereas the bacteria BELOW the gum are MORE DESTRUCTIVE AND DANGEROUS!
Deep Root Planing Helps gums or pocket wall reattach firmly to the the spotlessly clean root surface to help prevent tooth loss.
Deep Root Planing Prevent further bleeding of the gums.
Deep Root Planing reduces gum swelling Depp Root Planing MV115007
Depp Root Planing MV110117Deep Root Planing reduces discomfort.
Deep Root Planing decreases tooth sensitivity due to gum recession.
Deep Root Planing prevents bone loss.
Deep Root Planing prevent tooth loss due to gum disease
Root planing is therapeutic (which means designed to heal) and time-consuming treatments to remove toxins (poisons) and bacteria from the root surfaces of the teeth. Periodontal (gum and bone) disease can be treated with root planing. Removing toxins allows the body's immune system to begin the healing process. Calculus (sometimes called tartar, diseased cementum, and/or dentin) are also scaled away. (Cementum is the hard tissue that covers the tooth root. Dentin is that part of the tooth that is underneath the cementum.) These procedures are used as complete treatment in some stages of periodontal disease, and as part of preparing the mouth for surgery in others. Several appointments, treating sections of the mouth, and local anaesthesia may be required.
Supra Chan
Supra Chan

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Join date : 2010-02-02


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